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03.How to Find Your Way Around CampaignTrackly

< 1 min read

We recommend that you review the following chapters from Section 1 – Getting Started:

  1. While you can skip the UTM parts, you can greatly benefit from the walkthrough videos about the platform’s menus and setup.
  2. Get in contact with us – we have many features which we release only based on customer request and we might already have the features that you need. Feel free to schedule a demo with us by clicking here.
  3. Email us or chat us with any questions, we are on a mission to help you build the best link tracking strategy ever.

Your Menu Structure Will Be Slightly Different

Your menu structure will be slightly different because you won’t have the UTM tag groups. Your Tag creation options will also be simplified to just one option.

Questions/Comments? Setting up CampaignTrackly should be fairly easy, but do feel free to contact us at at any time.