1 min read
There are several ways you can add links to your new campaign:
We give you two options – simple one-column upload (only links) or a social media upload (links + social text + date and time of publishing – this template works very well with HootSuite, as well as Bulk Buffer.
For the links-only use, all you need to do is put all your links in one column in an excel file and then save this file in a .CSV format. Once that is done, just go to your CampaignTrackly app, log in, click through to Campaigns, Add a Campaign and upload your file! As easy as that.
For the links + social use, you will need to use the template that we offer (download it from the popup which will open up once you click on the bulk-social upload button.
The animated Gif actually highlights how you can upload a social media template with already existing social posts – which is of great help to social media specialists, but.. it gives you an idea about how the super simpler one-column version works as well.