1 min read
Browsers cache everything, so that they can give you speedy access to everything. And sometimes that creates issues – especially with a platform like ours that adds new advancements every 3 weeks.
Drag& Drop Builder has broken boxes, conent or channels do not work
How to fix: Please go to the “meatball” menu at the top right of your browser, click it to locate “More Tools” and click on Clear Browsing Data”.
For best performance – please always use our app via your desktop. Currently the app is not set to work with mobile due to the extensive nested tables and operations. A new mobile app is underway and will hopefully make it to you very soon.
How to fix: If you see that the design and feel of the app does not look right or there are links or menus that look odd – please kindly refresh your cache. Likely your pages are being cached and you need to refresh your browser to be able to get the new changes propagated to our computer browser.
Hello, we frequently make updates to our app to ensure it is more user friendly and meets your requirement. Every change will be announced on your Dashboard page when you login to the app.