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03. The UTM_Campaign Tag Library

4 min read

Conventions & Taxonomies Fully Automated! Unleash Your Campaign Tagging Magic 🌟

Welcome to the UTM_Campaign Tag, where your tagging journey becomes a breeze! Let’s dive into these game-changing strategies:

Four Options to Generate UTM_Campaign:

Go to the side bar menu, select Tag Library>UTM Tags and click on the Campaign Tab. You will see 4 options to generate this important UTM parameter which is absolutely mandatory for your reporting process:

1. Option One: Manual Entry

Manual entry of your campaign title means that when you start tagging your link, you type in the campaign title every time you create a new campaign.

  • Whatever you type becomes your friendly Campaign name, displayed in our URL Campaigns table, and your UTM_campaign value that will be used for Google Analytics to group your tracking links for reporting.
  • Plus, for existing campaigns, just pick from the “Select from Existing Campaign” drop-down. Easy, right?

Pros & Cons

  • Typing or copy-pasting every time is tedious
  • Manual entry is associated with the highest number of reporting errors for campaigns
  • We do not recommend using this method for large-scale operations with 3 or more people

2. Options Two and Three: Pull UTM_Campaign from pre-selected tags

Sometimes your Campaign Name Taxonomy consists of multiple components, including {year}-{region}-{language}-{country}-{state}-{brand}-{campaigntype}-{customertype)…. and more.

If your campaign name consists of 2-4 custom tags (metadata elements), we recommend that you use options 2 and 3.

What Options 2 and 3 Do

They allow you to automate how your utm_campaign values are generated by letting you select on the fly custom values each time without having to remember the exact custom tags and their order – great time-saving option!

Pros & Cons

  • Create custom tags for your UTM Campaign taxonomy components without the need to memorize tag combinations.
  • These preset UTM_Campaign combinations ensure consistent naming conventions for your reports.
  • They let you have a “template” that you can apply error-free to change UTM_Campaign values every time you need to.
  • You ensure that every time your campaign naming conventions are the same and you have great flexibility to add new values – effortlessly, just drag and drop your custom tag new values!
  • These 2 features are not great if you have more than 4 custom tags and do not support well complex campaign conventions and taxonomies.

How Do You Build Your Tracking Links Using This Feature?

Easy! Go to our UTM Builder dashboard and you will see in the “Campaign name” area the pre-populated custom tags that will automatically generate your UTM_Campaign value.

As soon as you select values for each custom tag – they will be combined to generate your UTM_Campaign! No typing, no need to remember what goes into your campaign naming convention!

In this brief tutorial I will show you how to generate utm_campaign value from pre-set tags and avoid memorizing or typing it every single time when you create links. For more information, visit

Watch The UTM_Campaign Video

3. Option Four – Pull UTM_Campaign From Your CRM Convention

This feature is for complex naming conventions requiring integration with 3rd party platforms like SalesForce, WorkFront, and more.

Essentially, if your campaign name has more than 4 metadata components, we recommend that you use our Marketing Campaign Convention option.

There, you can build convention templates for 1-click auto-generation of complex taxonomies. You can also use that page to set up a completely automated process that will generate and transfer your campaign metadata and links hands-free.

And will process your intake info, convert it into tracking links, and will send it to the platforms that you have connected our integration layer to.

This feature gives you complete automation for your campaign URL management process and provides significant time-saving and code-less integration options.

If you have questions regarding setting up these workflows, please contact us at

4. Dive Deeper: Enrich Your Knowledge

Hungry for more? Check out our utm_campaign blog for pro tips and a tutorial that comes with a quiz. Sharpen your skills and master the tagging art.

Ready to rock your tagging game? UTM_campaign – your ultimate ally for precision tracking. Let’s tag smarter, not harder!

Tagging tales end here, but your journey continues. Up next, unravel the magic of utm_channel tags. 🚀