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02. Team Permissions Management

1 min read

If you have a team plan, whether it is Enterprise level or Pro level, it is important to decide if you want your team members to be able to add/create tags or not – to ensure uniformity for your tracking strategy. To address your needs, we have a special feature, “Team Level Permissions”, which can be accessed by the superadmin/owner of the account from the Teams Page:

1. Go to Account Settings>Manage Team

  • Invite your users using our simple member invitation mechanism
  • Use the icons shown on the picture below to create teams (enterprise level customers) or manage team member permissions
Use the meatball menu against each member to edit their personal permissions

2. Team and Member Permissions are Different

Team Permissions

  1. Select “Yes” to give everyone on the team the right to create any tags/tag groups.
    • You can limit only specific tags from being created by selecting them in the bar underneath
  2. By default, your team members will not be able to create any tags.
3. Select from your available tag groups to limit certain important tag groups, like SalesForce ID or other central reporting tags that should not be edited/created by your teams.

Hide menu items from the left side bar for a better user experience

  • Hide Term Tags will currently hide both Term and Content Tags in the tagging dashboards
  • Hide Banner/Button Tags will hide these options from the SIngle-link (Extension) tagging dashboard)
  • The other options can help simplify your team’s experiences by hiding some of the admin menus or certain tagging dashboard menus.